17.11.09 [album] Number Ones kolekcija najvećih hitova u prodaji u SAD-u 23.11.09 [album] Janet Jackson: The Best u prodaji širom sveta 06.12.09 [koncert] Janet nastupa na Jingle Bell Ball-u u Londonu 02.04.10 [film] Why Did I Get Married, Too? počinje sa prikazivanjem u Američkim bioskopima
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19. 3. 2010.

The Tonight Show, ET i novi trailer

Janet je juče gostovala u emisiji "The Tonight Show" Jaya Lenoa na NBC u okviru promotivne kampanje za film "Why Did I Get Married Too?"

(klik na sliku da uveličaš)

ET je takodje emitovao kratki intervju sa Jenet dopunjen insertima iz filma. Ispod takodje možete pogledati i najnoviji trailer za film.

Posetite zvanični at filma "Why did I get married to?" OVDE ili zvaničnu Facebook strau OVDE.

Film počinje sa prikazivanjem u bioskopima 2.4.2010.


Nastavak »

12. 2. 2010.

Janet na naslovnoj strani Gotham-a

Janet je na naslovnoj strani aktuelnog broja magazina Gotham.
Janet govori o Majklovoj smrti, New Yorku, svojoj novogodišnjoj rezoluciji, i naravno o planovima i svojoj karijeri, uključujući novi album i film "Why Did I Get Married Too."

U nastavku možete pročitati ceo intervju na engleskom.

What have you taken away from Michael’s death?
When you hear people say life goes on, it’s really the truth. You can’t stop living. It becomes a part of you. I feel a bit selfish because there are times I feel I shouldn’t be doing this, but I enjoy my work and I have to keep doing it. I have to keep my life going. There are days that are harder than others.

You where filming "Why Did I Get Married Too?" during your brothers tragedy...
There was a lot of drama going into it on my end. I actually went from Michael's service - that first service we had - and left that night to go back to work. It was tough, but at the same time it was kind of therapeutic, too. It was a good way for me to move foreward and stay busy. And I love acting - it was my first love. I had my first job at seven. I got a recording contract when I was 14, so I thought I was going to be an actress. I'm really blessed.

What can we ecpect from your new album?
It’s going to be a little different. The writing is about life experiences. There’s a part of me that’s craving escapism, which is a sense of wanting to keep on moving with my work but also of coming to terms with reality. So I think it will be upbeat and light.

What other songs move you at the moment?
You know what makes me feel good right now when I hear it on the radio? "Empire State Of Mind" [By Jay-Z]. When I hear the chorus... it makes me smile. And I love the way Alicia [Keys] sings it. I was crazy about "Native New Yorker" [by Odyssey] when I was a kid. I was visiting my brother when he was doing The Wiz and living here with my sister [LaToya]. I was on hiatus from the television show Good Times. My mother asked me what I wanted to do with my time off, and I said I wanted to go to New York and visit Mike because I missed him so much. We would go to Studio 54 when I was just this 10-year-old kid and I would hear "Native New Yorker" and it made me feel so good and it never leaves your mind - that energy, that excitement, those endorphins being released within you.

What do you love about New York City?
Everything. I love the energy–the creative energy. I’ve been here for 12 years and I will be here for the rest of my life.

Talk a bit about your new book.
I hope it’s inspiring for all ages. I’m talking about weight loss, confidence, self-esteem—especially in your youth. It’s not an autobiography, but there are little anecdotes that I give here and there from my childhood all the way to the present that I thought would be interesting and helpful to share.

Is there something you haven't done that you'd like to accomplish?
At some point I would like to do theater - it's something I've always wanted to do. I'll do more films. Produce. And I would like to have children.

How do you stay so grounded?
I think it was the way I was brought up. I was very fortunate to see all of this before it ever happened to me through my brother, so I knew what to expect. I watched the way my brother handled it. It's also important who you surround yourself with. True friends aren't afraid to put you in check.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

If I want to take a break from work, I love going to the islands. I love the ocean. I also love being with my family. I love going to the movies. I love reading - right now it's "The Help" [by Kathryn Stockett].

New Year’s resolutions - do you have any?
I want to learn a language. I haven’t decided which, but it’s between French, Spanish and Italian. I also want to get closer to God.

How do you do that?
It's in your own way. We grew up Jehovah's Whitnesses. I do believe in God. I consider myself a Christian but I don't belong to a specific religion. If something really resonates with me then I will try to apply that to my life.


Nastavak »

31. 12. 2009.

Janet počinje 2010 na prvom mestu Billboardove top liste

Janet će trijumfalno ući u novu deceniju na prvom mestu Billboardove Hot Dance Club Play top liste sa aktuelnim singlom "Make Me." Janet je sa prvog mesta skinula Lady Gagu i to je njen 21. singl na prvom mestu ove top liste. Singl je takodje debitovao na još dve Billboardove top liste, i to, na 34. mestu Hot Adult R&B Airplay liste i 91. mestu Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs liste. Nema sumnje da će pesma nastaviti da napreduje na ovim listama narednih nedelja.

Kolekcija hitova "Number Ones" do sada je prodata u odličnih 82,638 primeraka u SAD-u (Nielsen SoundScan).


Nastavak »

24. 12. 2009.

Srećan Božić vernicima Katoličke veroispovesti


Nastavak »

7. 12. 2009.

Janet sa obožavateljkom nakon nastupa u Londonu

Janet je uvek bila poznata po fenomenalnom odnosu sa svojim fanovima. To je potvrdila i u Londonu kada se u jednom restoranu posle nastupa u O2 Areni slikala sa vatrenom obožavateljkom.


Nastavak »

Nastup u O2 Areni (Jingle Bell ball)

Amaterski snimak nastupa na Jingle Bell Ball-u u Londonskoj O2 Areni. Odličan nastup, bilo bi yaista lepo da vidimo profesionalni snimak.


Nastavak »

6. 12. 2009.

Nastup u X Factoru

Janet je juče u okviru najgledanijeg TV showa u Velikoj Britaniji izvela "All For You" i "Make Me." Nastup je bio veoma energičan a Janet je izgledala prelepo kao i obično. Zanimljivo je da nikom od učesnika nije bilo dozvoljeno da prisustvuje nastupu kao i to da Janet nije dala intervju nakon nastupa što je običaj u X Factoru. Kako navodi Daily Mail, snimanje je bilo zatvorenog tipa i samo najneophodnije tehničko osoblje moglo je da prisustvuje, što je prvi put da neko postavi takav uslov od kad ovaj TV show postoji, a nastupale su gotovo sve najveće zvezde.


Nastavak »

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